John L. Wade

Incline Village & Reno, Nevada

On-Demand Printing

In 2022, after 40 successful years of leadership in the printing industry, I have decided to focus on the real estate industry. The following post has been left here to provide historical information on my background in printing and the technologies related to print production and distribution.


Perhaps my first experience with on-demand printing happened when I was 10 years old and answered an ad in a comic book to get my own franchise selling custom imprinted Christmas cards door-to-door (or what I now call, “D2D”).

More realistically, it was in 1992 at Bindco (a company I co-founded in 1982) when I was awarded the on-demand printing contract for Tandem Computers. At that time, the Xerox DocuTech Network Publisher had just been introduced and Bindco received the first one on the West Coast.

Within a few years, Bindco had 10 networked DocuTechs running 24/7 producing 40 million unique on-demand pages per month for the “who’s who” of the high-tech industry.

In 1996, we began integrating additional on-demand printing and distribution locations in the US and Europe so we could route and concurrently print any document in any location.

Today,,, and are industry-leading technology-based solutions that integrate printing, publishing, e-commerce, and fulfillment.

Moving forward, these technologies, coupled with the ability to print and ship as few as one item at a time, will be used to launch additional printing microsites as separate service offerings within vertical niche markets.

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Contact Info

John L. Wade
+1 (775) 843-1800
johnlwade (Skype)